Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Eliot and friends

During my maternity leave, I've been taking a mommy/baby class at Isis Maternity. Yesterday was our last day of class so we did a little baby circle at the end and took pictures. I was surprised at how interested the babies seemed in each other. Eliot was fussing when I put her in the circle but then calmed down right away and got busy checking out the babies around her and the moms who were all hovering above.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Eliot tried out her Bumbo (kindly on loan from her cousin Lucy) for the first time yesterday. What's a Bumbo? It's a little foam chair for babies who can't sit up on their own but have enough head/neck control to "sit up" with a little help. I think she thought it was a little weird at first but seemed to get into after awhile.

Also, Eliot wore a dress for the very first time. Well, it was Christmas and we went to a nice party at Aunt Ann's house where Eliot received some very nice gifts.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

BIG baby

We went to Eliot's 2 month check-up yesterday at the doctor's office. It's official. Eliot is a gigantic baby. Not just chubby or long but both. She is 24 inches (95%) and weighs 12lb 9oz (88%). Well, we know at least we're feeding her well. Eliot also got a couple of shots which she took like a champ. In fact, she probably fussed more when the nurse tried to feed her the oral vaccine. Her face got very very red when she got the shots but she screamed for 5 seconds and then was fine.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Eliot is two months old!

Well, she actually turned two months yesterday. I meant to do a blog post celebrating this but I forgot. It was a busy day for mommy.

I can't believe she's already two months old! Eliot has come a long way since October 20th. She smiles all the time now and makes cute little noises at us. She still loves lying on her tummy on our laps. She still likes being swaddled. She continues to be a really easy, mellow baby! I think we'll be keeping her!

Hat Head

Now that it's so cold outside, Eliot sometimes has to wear a hat. Which is too bad because she ends up with a wicked hat head and her nice hairdo gets all messed up!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New toy

Eliot tried out her fishy fish tummy time mat that she got from her great aunt Carol today. She loved it!

Another new hairdo!

We continue to have fun with Eliot's hair.

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New Onesie

The Harvard kids got Eliot this really cute onesie that she's modeling here.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Eliot's First Hanukkah

We celebrated Eliot's very first first night of Hanukkah with Dan, Allison and Finley. We had some challah, latkes and chicken but Eliot's favorite part of the night was obviously the candles! She had been napping and perked right up when Dan went to light all the candles and kept staring at the lights.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Smiling Eliot

Eliot has started to smile appropriately more. It's hard to capture on camera because she smiles in response to us smiling at her and it's hard to get to the camera and make her smile at the same time! I did get some nice shots of her this morning when we were playing together.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

New Hair Do

We have been brushing her hair up after baths. Doesn't she look great? Maybe a little taller?

Here she is snoozing on the couch next to Mommy.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Play time

The other night Eliot had one of her impromptu baths and then had some fun times on the playmat. She seemed to be checking out the pig mostly.

Then Daddy came home!