Saturday, November 26, 2011

Eliot: future hockey star

The Welds were nice enough to invite me and Eliot to their annual post-Thanksgiving family hockey game.  Although we didn't have time to go get skates for Eliot, she had a great time hanging out with everyone and watching the hockey game.  She even got to try out Cousin Lydia's awesome pink hockey stick! 


We are getting some work done on the house, including the demolition of our back deck and patio area.  Eliot was fascinated by the big machine that showed up and took everything apart. 

Eliot helps out

Eliot loves being helpful!  Here she is helping Daddy gather leaves in the yard. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Two gummies

Eliot has been getting one gummy bear vitamin after dinner.  Many days, she eats dinner just to get her gummy.  Well, it turns out that she should have been getting TWO gummies (I had neglected to read the bottle until the other night).  Needless to say, the upgrade to two was clearly the most exciting event in Eliot's life. 

Dance Party USA

Eliot is getting so good at dancing.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Fall fun

This past Sunday, we went over to Eliot's friend Finley's house for his birthday party, but more importantly to play with leaves!