Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fun in the park

Last weekend we took advantage of the nice weather we've been having and spent some quality time in the park across the street from our house. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Eliot: future hockey star

The Welds were nice enough to invite me and Eliot to their annual post-Thanksgiving family hockey game.  Although we didn't have time to go get skates for Eliot, she had a great time hanging out with everyone and watching the hockey game.  She even got to try out Cousin Lydia's awesome pink hockey stick! 


We are getting some work done on the house, including the demolition of our back deck and patio area.  Eliot was fascinated by the big machine that showed up and took everything apart. 

Eliot helps out

Eliot loves being helpful!  Here she is helping Daddy gather leaves in the yard. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Two gummies

Eliot has been getting one gummy bear vitamin after dinner.  Many days, she eats dinner just to get her gummy.  Well, it turns out that she should have been getting TWO gummies (I had neglected to read the bottle until the other night).  Needless to say, the upgrade to two was clearly the most exciting event in Eliot's life. 

Dance Party USA

Eliot is getting so good at dancing.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Fall fun

This past Sunday, we went over to Eliot's friend Finley's house for his birthday party, but more importantly to play with leaves! 

Monday, October 31, 2011


No, Eliot didn't go trick or treating...but she did wear this excellent frog costume (courtesy of Calvin or Ollie?) for a Halloween party at day care.  She loved dressing up!

Fun on the beach

We were down in Florida for a few days while Josh coached his frisbee team.  We spent most of our time at the fields but managed to get some good beach time in too.  Eliot loves the beach!  She spent time collecting sea shells, jumping in the waves, and crushing sand castles. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Eliot is Two

Happy birthday to Eliot!  When we got home from work/daycare, Eliot played with her present, a yellow school bus, got a celebratory phone call from Cousin Lucy, and blew out two candles on her birthday cupcake!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Eliot got a real haircut!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Eliot's "big girl" toys

 Eliot has started to "type" into her toy laptop, copying what Mommy and Daddy do all the time.  She also has this fun music box toy that plays classical music.  She loves it.  I asked to show me her ballet moves tonight and she started kicking up one leg.  I have no idea why she thinks this is a "ballet" move but it was super cute!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Eliot's quiet evening at home

It's amazing all the fun a toddler can pack into an hour or so.  Last night, Eliot spent some quality time gnawing on an apple, sharing the apple with Baby, reading with Daddy, and dancing around!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Eliot's Great Adventures

Eliot had a great time hanging out with her halahbuhji and he sent us some great pictures today of his adventures with Eliot!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Eliot and the balloon

Eliot loved this balloon that she got from a party this morning. 

Thomas teaches Eliot how to eat properly

 Eliot got a great package from halmunni this week.  It had some of her favorites - roasted seaweed and stir-fried anchovies.  But the Thomas the Train training chopsticks and spoon were by far the biggest hits. 


It's been a while since our last post.  Eliot had some very special visitors from Korea - her grandparents!  While her halmunni (grandmother) had to go back too soon, Eliot got to hang out with her halahbuhji (grandfather) for a few awesome weeks! 

Sunday, August 14, 2011