Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hands and knees

Eliot is getting so strong! I get put her on her hands and knees and she'll stay there for a little while. But then she gets tired and ends up on her tummy again. We'll have to keep practicing....

Friday, April 23, 2010

Eliot is 6 months old!

Our giant baby is still on the giant baby growing trajectory. On Thursday, Eliot measured in at 27.5" (96%) and 17lb 11.5oz (82%). The doctor gave her a clean bill of health and Eliot got more vaccination shots!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fun at home

Eliot and Mommy were both feeling under the weather this weekend but luckily the weather outside was not so great out so we spent a lot of time hanging out indoors and getting some rest.

Eliot seemed to like her oatmeal better than her rice cereal.

We practiced standing up.

Here are a couple of nice pictures of our garden. The hyacinths smell really nice!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Eliot and flowers

Our garden is in full spring bloom! We had a little photo session with Eliot this evening after work.

Having fun!

Eliot really loves her exersaucer now. She liked it before but in the past couple of weeks, she has been much more active in it, turning herself around and even bouncing!

She also loves sitting up on her own!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Matching hats

We were in New Haven all weekend coaching and Eliot got to hang out at the sunny fields. We found Eliot a hat to match Daddy's hat!