Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Eliot is one week old!

It's hard to believe she's only been with us for just one week! Tonight, she hung out on the Boppy for a little while and then had some quality Daddy time when Josh got home.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

More pictures from week one

We took these pictures right before we had to take the grandparents to the airport for their long trip back to Korea.

Eliot likes hanging out in the rocker.

Grandpa came over to visit.

Tonight, we tried out the moby wrap for the first time. Looks like she likes it!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

First evening at home.

Eliot got her hair washed.

Hanging out in the nursery with the grandparents.

It's Thursday and Eliot is coming home!

Here we are at the hospital, all packed up and ready to leave.

We're home!

From day 1 at Mount Auburn Hospital, room 506

Here we are hanging out in our room on our first day at the hospital.

We had some visitors, including Eliot's grandparents from Korea (halmoni and halahbuhji).

Later, Eliot's grandmother, Loren, came by to say hello.

Allison and Dan came too. Doesn't Dan look like a pro at holding the baby?

Lisa stopped by on her way home from work to say hi too.